The legal company "Mirzayev and Partners Legal Firm" defends the rights of intellectual property (copyright, performances, phonograms, broadcasting, integrated circuits topologies, information collections, folklore samples (traditional cultural samples), inventions, useful models, industrial samples, trademarks, geographical indications), and performs a full range of services related to the registration and protection of the rights. Intellectual Property Evaluation, Legal Advice (consulting) in the field of intellectual property. Specific services are also included in our business activities.
The services provided are aimed at ensuring a complex solution to the problems of intellectual property rights of customers. Includes all services ranging from registration of intellectual property up to inheritance issues of intellectual property rights.
Lawyers of our company are ready to provide professional legal services for foreign business representatives operating in Azerbaijan. Our lawyers are constantly improving their knowledge and skills on the protection of intellectual property.
Our services related to the protection of intellectual property rights include, mainly, the following:
- Collection of necessary documents for the legal registration of intellectual property objects, submission to the receiving authorities and other related activities;
- Preparation and examination of contracts of intellectual property, copyrights and other matters related to intellectual property rights (including the inheritance of intellectual property rights);
- Representation of clients on intellectual property protection in patent, customs, anti-monopoly;
- Intellectual property assessment, market entry and ad placement, licensing, piracy or counterfeit products, parallel import (export), etc. consulting on issues;
- Giving advice on intellectual property disputes, and preparing relevant petitions and complaints to the relevant authorities;
- Practical assistance to customers in fraudulent customer product, unauthorized use of the trademark and other cases;
- Conducting legal investigations to identify facts of infringement of intellectual property rights, collection of evidences;
- Participation in the s disputes in the court of intellectual property rights; the preparation or collection of all relevant documents, determining the strategy and tactics of customer behavior in the court;
- Providing advocacy services on criminal offenses related to intellectual property rights violation.